Thursday 10 September 2015

Legal/ethical considerations P2 (g)

For the consent form should be written in simple language which can let everyone understand easily. Also the participant should clearly understand the points below:

The participant has read and understood information which what we need to do about our the project.

The participant has been given the opportunity to ask questions to us.

The participant volunteers agree to participate in the project.

The participant understands that they can withdraw at any time without giving reasons and without penalty.

Procedures regarding confidentiality are explained (use of names, pseudonyms, anonymisation of data, etc.)

Separate terms of consent for interviews, audio, video or other forms of data collection.

Use of the data in research, publications, sharing and archiving are explained.

Signatures and dates of signing for the participant of this task.

The participant volunteers should be given a copy of the form after they signed.

The laws and policies that we must comply with

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