Wednesday 4 November 2015

Presentation of Images P5


The purpose of making and editing these images are for movie posters.Noways,in many movies,they used de-saturation methods.Therefore,I used this method as well to edit my images.In addition,In a lot of traditional Chinese style movies.They give a mystery felling to many parts in the movies shots.Therefore,I used vignette method to edit my image as well to apply and match the movie style.

Work 1

The purpose of making and editing,this image is for a movie poster.Nowadays,in many movies,there are many shot had been de-saturated.Therefore,I used this method as well to edit this image.The de-saturation allows th  e background changed it's original color style and became more suitable for the background of a movie poster.The orange vignette allows people focus on the centre of this picture which is my model and the fan.Moreover,the white color of the text stand out from the image and it made sure people can see the name and read easily.Finally,the movie credit is in the underneaths part.

Work 2

The purpose of this image is also for a movie poster,the white title is at the top of the picture (in the heart of cloudy).Also,the movie credit is at the bottom with a black background.The fan is at the middle of this picture.This color style of this image is warm,and the green plants in the right and left side of model works well.

Work 3

The white title is at the top of the movie poster with Chinese and English,therefore,people can see the name of the movie clearly.The vignette is also allows drake side and let the middle part stand out.The window at back looks grey which gives out a mystery feeling.The whole feeling of this poster is really stand out with a classical style.

Work 4

The grey background just like the name of the movie - in the love of cloudy.This give a mystery feeling and attract people's attention.The black titles with drop shadow effects made sure people can see the clearly.The background looks like a painting work.The building behind model looks like a really old building as well.Especially the moss at the left part.

Work 5

The background is pure black,therefore the white title is really stand out.The arm of model is a really nice compensation for this picture.The fan is also at the right middle of the image.The silk works really well in this image which gives out a really good quality.

Work 6

The pink colour of Chinese and English titles at the right part is really clearly,people can read and see them easily.The background had been de-satrationed.The image followed the rule of third,and the street is a leading line.

Work 7

The background is a wall,I changed the level of the background,so it became much more darker.I selected two models from different images and I put them into the poster together.The white title is standing out from 'black' background.And the gold colour of movie credit made sure people is able to read them.Also,there is a layer which is the white fan,I put it into the background.The gold color of movie credit works really well for this poster.

Work 8

This image has been de-saturated which applied the de-saturation shot in many traditional movies.The model was standing at the middle of the image,it was also on the line where cut the image into two parts(wall and door).The compensation of color is interesting as well,the wall side is white and the door side is black.Stand back and look this poster,the whole color style is based on white,black and grey.But the only colorful part is sit at the right middle,which is the pink flowers on the fan.

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